
Visit to set up your Trezor hardware wallet quickly and securely. Connect your device, follow the step-by-step guide, create a secure PIN, and back up your

Security Best Practices

Secure Your Recovery Seed

Your recovery seed is your wallet's lifeline. Safeguard it offline in a secure location, refraining from any digital storage or sharing.

Enable Passphrase Protection

Fortify your security by activating the passphrase feature in Trezor Wallet settings. This adds an extra layer of protection, necessitating a passphrase alongside your PIN for wallet access.

Regular Firmware Updates

Stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities by keeping your Trezor device firmware updated. Firmware updates often include critical security enhancements and new features.

Beware of Phishing Attacks

Exercise caution and verify authenticity when accessing Trezor-related websites and interfaces. Guard against phishing attempts by scrutinizing URLs and avoiding suspicious links.

Use Trezor with Trusted Devices

Exercise prudence by connecting your Trezor hardware wallet only to trusted computers and devices. Steer clear of public or shared computers when managing your cryptocurrency assets.


By adhering to these steps, you can confidently establish and manage your Trezor hardware wallet, fortifying the security of your digital assets. Trezor extends a secure and intuitive solution for cryptocurrency management, instilling peace of mind with its robust security features. Embrace the future of secure cryptocurrency management with Trezor - your trusted hardware wallet. Welcome to Trezor - where your digital assets are securely under your control, granting you absolute confidence and control.

Last updated